Message from the Chief

Promithias Chowdhury

At present there is no ethics in the current education system. But due to the decline of morality, people have become unscrupulous and have forgotten honest, unjust justice.

It is possible to cure diseases and maintain the masculinity of men through special bathing rules, Yogic postures, currency habits and proper eating habits. Anandam Yoga Institute and Yogic Hospital is working to teach about this since 2016.

We realize that Lack of money reduces people’s mental strength. There is no alternative to employment for economic development. To provide employment to the unemployed man and women through vocational education and to include them in a society. One of the ways to increase the employment and mental strength of the youth of Bangladesh through cooperative societies is to follow the rules and regulations of the government. Anandam Institute of Information Technology, a free computer training center, was inaugurated by the Indian High Commission on November 2, 2018. The only goal is to provide employment to millions of children in the next 10 years by teaching them to work very quickly through residential training centers.

Human rights recognize human dignity and provide guidelines for legal and administrative action. Protects people from oppression and the use of force.

Promithias Chowdhury(Yogi PKB Prakash)
Chairman of Anandalok